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There are many ways that you can help support the mission and efforts at Skagit DVSAS. Pick one (or more!) below and know that we appreciate and value our community donors and partners immensely. When you give, you are joining us in taking a stand against domestic and sexual violence in our community!
We depend on the generosity of our community to help fund our much-needed services. Because of your support, we are here when the phone rings. Because of your donation, we can help hundreds of survivors a year. Because of you, we are making a difference. Every gift helps, no matter how small. If you can support us with a monthly donation, that’s wonderful as it helps us maintain a steady income for services! But even small, one-time donations go a lot further than you might imagine and are integral to our success. All donations are fully tax deductible, and an annual receipt of your giving will be issued every year. If you choose to give a monthly donation, you may stop, start, decrease, or increase your gift at any time. Thank you for your support!
Hosting a fundraiser is easier than you might think. It allows you the chance to get creative, have some fun with family and friends, and help a great cause all at the same time. From the annual Bayview Women’s Walk and Run to house-hopping potlucks and snowmobile weekends, our generous community has hosted some great fundraisers on our behalf.
Start Your Personal Fundraising Campaign Here!
That means you can create your own fundraising page through our website, track your donors, and utilize our pre-built fundraising templates! It’s digital, user-friendly, and fun!
Curious about how to use the platform? It’s super easy.
Here are some examples:
If you need help brainstorming for ideas, reach out via email to our Development Coordinator. We are always excited to work with community members who want to support our mission.
We strive to give our clients the best possible care during their time of crisis and the support of the community makes our jobs much more manageable. From toilet paper and feminine hygiene products to clothes, groceries, and craft supplies for the kiddos, we have a need you may help fill at either our shelter, or our office. Visit our wishlists below to see if there’s anything you can contribute. The purchase of gift cards and the donation of unused gift cards also helps. Please click the button below to view our wishlists for donations in-kind and, as always, thank you for your continued support!
Want to do good for your community? Feel happier? More content? Would you like a sense of pride? To be more self-confident? Want that feeling of natural accomplishment? How would you like to reduce stress? Find more friends? Does learning new skills sound fun? Want to protect your mental and physical health? You’re in luck! Studies show you can experience all those benefits, simply by volunteering with Skagit DVSAS. Sure, the work can be tough, but it’s rewarding and it benefits a truly worthy cause. As funding for agencies like ours is very limited, we rely on volunteers who so selflessly give of their time. Click through to learn more about our volunteer opportunities and how your work can support ours!
Many employers in our area offer a “Matching Gift” for local charities. Employee matching gifts are donations made by an employer to match the donation of its employees. These types of grants are an essential means of support for agency. It’s an effective means of funding some of our projects and helping us to maintain our community support for survivors in need. Ask your Human Resources Department if your employer offers matching gifts, and if so, designate Skagit DVSAS as your charity! Or, if you are an employer interested in establishing a matching program for your business, reach out to our Development Coordinator for more details and support.
*Please note that we encourage fundraising events that are consistent with our mission. Skagit DVSAS is an anti-violence and anti-oppression organization. We do/will not endorse, support, or act as a beneficiary to any event that we believe engages in, promotes or encourages any form of violence, racism, homophobia, ableism — or any other type of oppressive ideals and behaviors.