To carry out their decisions, victims/ survivors of domestic violence must be able to obtain support and advocacy that respects and reinforces their autonomy and self-determination.

Interventions that blame the victim and do not hold the abuser accountable for the violence are ineffective, and can result in further harm, including death. Services for victims/survivors of domestic violence and their children shall encourage and advance the empowerment of victims/ survivors and seek social change which addresses the existing imbalance of power within abusive relationships.

Skagit DVSAS operates with the following philosophies:

  • Violence by one person against another is not acceptable, anywhere, any time.
  • Each person has the right to expect physical, emotional and sexual safety.

Skagit DVSAS believes in the empowerment of victims/ survivors so that they can know:

  • They are not alone with violence.
  • They are not responsible for the violence committed against them.
  • They are entitled to legal, medical, financial and social service resources.
  • That any person affected by domestic violence or sexual assault in Skagit County has the right to a support system they can count on.

Agency Impact 2022 Calendar Year

Our Location

1521B Leigh Way
PO Box 301
Mount Vernon, WA 98273
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24-Hr Hotline: (888) 336-9591
Office: (360) 336-9591
Fax: (360) 336-9593


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