Swinomish Tribe Hosts Charitable Giving Luncheon
Posted on July 18th, 2018
Our good friends at Swinomish hosted their annual Charitable Giving Luncheon on June 28th of this year, and we were proud to have a seat at the table. One of SDVSAS’ most valued community partners, we are truly humbled and blessed by the generosity of the tribe. They have welcomed us as family with a seat at their table and honored us with their support of our efforts.
Tribal Senator, Kevin Paul hand-carved, etched, and painted over 80 plaques for attendees — just has he has done every year in the past. Last year’s plaque featured the Huskies, so in an effort to even the scorecard, this year’s plaque had a WSU theme. Mr. Paul also treated the audience to a song in his native dialect.
Beyond the gifts, lovely luncheon and entertainment, the tribe made charitable contributions in excess of a quarter of a million dollars to local nonprofits in the community! That’s an astounding contribution to the valley and well beyond. The Swinomish Tribe has a reputation for being good stewards in their homeland. Besides employing nearly a thousand people in the area through a diverse economy that includes lodging, entertainment, golf and, of course, salmon, they have programs for youth and elderly, provide scholarships to those in need and invest in medical, dental, mental health, and drug treatment facilities and services. Hospitable and generous, the Swinomish are known for their proactive work for the people in their community — as well as the very environment inhabited by that community.
We raise our voices, once again, in gratitude and appreciation of The Swinomish Tribe — not just for the gift they have bestowed upon our agency, Skagit DVSAS, this year, but for the many gifts and blessings they have brought to our community as a whole. Please click here to visit their website and learn more.